A Young Syrian Refugee Melts Our Hearts

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It’s not often a Wheels for Winners mechanic is greeted with a kiss, especially from a three or four year-old, new Wisconsin and United States resident.

A Syrian family of six came in last Tuesday evening, November 21, brought by Open Doors for Refugees.  Alan, a Wheels mechanic, relayed this heartwarming story.  

Three of the children needed bikes with training wheels.  They were the cutest ever.  After they had gone outside to load up the bikes, the third youngest little girl came back, opened the shop door, waved at us, and blew us a kiss.  Our hearts were instantly puddles on the floor!

“Wheels for Winners’ staff are all volunteers.  Special moments like these and the Smiles on Bike Earners’ faces are why we volunteer,” says Board Chairperson Neil McCallum.