Please Donate to Wheels' Big Share - Officer Lewis partners with Wheels for Winners to bring bikes to kids

Madison Police Officer Lewis tells why he values working with Wheels for Winners for 14 years to bring bikes to kids.  He talks about the value of our partnership serving the Allied Learning Center community and why having kids “earn” their bike through community service is important.

Wheels for Winners Supporters,

Double your donation - Thanks to our long-time supporters, in just over two weeks, we have raised 37% of our $22,000 fundraising goal, and our volunteers continue to contribute matching funds. Matching funds won't last long, so please help us now by donating. Click on the icon below.

Our group of 40 dedicated volunteers have been outdoing themselves in more ways than we can count. Last year they overhauled 379 donated bikes, spending as many as 3 hours per bike, regreasing bearings and replacing chains, brakes and other worn parts. Over 16 different volunteers attended 34 community bike events where they repaired 548 bikes at no charge to participants. These same talented folks also helped 431 bike earners select the right bike from our inventory and ensured that these bike recipients had properly fitting helmets. 

Your donations mean so much to us, our bike "earners" and repair recipients.  We cannot do this without you! 

 - The Wheels for Winners team