Youth Earner Gets a Cool Fat Tire Bike

A lucky bike earner gets a like new, Mongoose Fat Tire bike. We don't get many of these and not usually in such great condition. We hope he enjoys the freedom riding up and down the alleys in his neighborhood, to his friends, parks and other favorite places. And he will be ready for some winter snow riding.

When I was his age, I had a green Schwinn Varsity 3-Speed, hand-me-down from my cousin. Most of my friends had similar 3-speed, state of the art bikes.

I wonder what my friends and I would have thought about a bike like that Fat Tire! Bikes sure have changed!

Want to learn how to repair bikes and deliver lots of smiles?

We are looking for a few good volunteers to become bike mechanics. If you have simple mechanical ability and are familiar with the use of basic tools like screwdrivers and wrenches you could become a terrific bike repair mechanic.

We will train you and we currently have openings on:

  • Monday evening from 6 pm - 8 pm;

  • and Friday from Noon - 2 pm.

Check out our volunteer bike mechanic page to learn about the position and apply at:

Bike earners perform 10+ hours of community service to get a safe, refurbished bike, helmet and lock.

Help put smiles on the faces of youth and adult bike earners!