A Beautifully Restored Bike Donated By Bikes for Charity

Thank you to Bikes for Charity for the beautifully restored and detailed Gravity Cruiser bike! Everything is like new. Amazing work including the paint the decals. This will make a great bike for one of our earners for doing volunteer community service work. Thank you so much for supporting our work!

Bikes for Charity Delivers a Donated Restored Bike

20 Bikes Repaired Free at Kennedy Heights with Lots of Helpers!

This was the 5th time since April we’ve been out to Kennedy Heights to do free bike repairs. Wheels’ volunteer mechanic Alan Crossley organizes our free bike repair events. He observed, “The need for repair at Kennedy Heights is great.  We got sweet thank yous from the kids and genuine thank yous from adults who really appreciate the fact that we keep coming back. The best thanks is witnessing the joy the kids express cruising around the community on their bikes!”

Wheels’ mechanics with youth helpers!

Volunteer Wheels’ mechanics Jamie and Richard

Ride the Drive - 82 Participants Get Free Bike Adjustments From Wheels for Winners During this Fantastic Event!

Wheels for Winners had a bike adjustment tent at McPike Park for Madison’s Ride the Drive on August 11. Eighty-two event participants got free adjustments for their bikes plus 1 Razor scooter. According to Wheels Mechanic Alan Crossley “There were lots of heartfelt thank yous and admiration for what our organization does.   A HUGE success.”  

The event was fantastic and the great weather made it more so! There were great free events at city parks all along the route including Edward Klief, Britingham, Olin, Law, R. Richard Wagner and McPike parks. Five major city streets were closed to automobile traffic so people could enjoy riding their bikes unimpeded.

Madison City Parks Department website describes the event…Ride the Drive began in 2009 as an event celebrating Madison’s commitment to healthy, active living. The event brings thousands of happy people together to experience parks and open streets in a single, one-day, free, community event.

Alan Crossley, Wheels volunteer mechanic

Paul Kleemann, Wheels volunteer mechanic

Lots of activity at the Wheels’ bike adjustment tent