What Fun - Wheels Mechanics Participate in Santa Rampage to Support WI Bike-Fed Youth Programs!

The Wisconsin Bike-Fed’s website describes this fun Dec. 9th ride from Breeze Stevens Field to the Capitol “as a community-based fundraiser for the Wisconsin Bike Fed’s youth advocacy work. From Adventure Bike Camps that teach safe and fun cycling in the summer months, to Safe Routes to School initiatives all year round, our programs have the goal of creating autonomy, self-reliance, and comfortability on bikes and other alternative modes of transportation for kids of all ages.”

Wheels volunteer mechanics Alan Crosby, Neil McCallum, Jamie Campbell, Paul Johnson, Tofer Towe, Natalie Schad and Caitlin Hussey, all participated. Can you find them in the above photo? If so, leave a Comment and tells us where you think they are?

If you, a friend or family member participated and are in the above photo, identify them in the Comment section and share this post with them.

Happy Holidays Everyone!